Saturday, July 7, 2007


I’ve finally, whew, finished Lisey’s Story. I actually got through with this monumental testimony to Stephen King’s ability to sit at a keyboard for hours while repeating himself, a while back. But it’s taken me this time to recuperate. The first 250-300 pages are filled with King’s exercises where he sees how many sentences he can construct using the word bool. Bool is a nonsense word dreamed up by Lisey’s husband, Scott, and his father and brother. Scott’s criminally insane relatives. Scott, the writer/dead husband of Lisey is a world famous horror author whose works have sold in the millions. All of the books I read about writing say stay away from being autobiographical. So much for that.
The last quarter of the work finally gets with it, and a semi horror novel emerges. I liked some of the allegories such as the POOL where writers go down to sip and come back with a novel. The problem is that this POOL is surrounded by dreadful killing machines, beasts that will consume you in one huge gulp. I think the point here was that if you don’t know just how to get to the POOL without dying, you cannot be a famous writer. Alas, we never get the formula, just bored to death.
Lionel A. LaVergne, author

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Gore's boy

I see where Al Gore's son, the third, was busted for drug abuse. Do I recall some democ rats busting Bush's chops because his daughters were drinking and doping? I believe George was derided because of his own doping in the younger years. Well, it seems drug use is not reserved for republicans and their kids. Get the news people, rich kids do drugs. Poor kids do drugs. Illegal drugs are a way of life. That is too bad. Now my solution, legalize pot just like booze. Death for anyone caught selling, making, buying, meth, coke, ecstasy and all drugs that are not marijuana. The drug problem would be over, the South American drug lords would be out of business, the only thing coming across our borders would illegal human beings. With the billions we would save when we fired the DEA would more than adequately take care of the poor.
Lionel A. LaVergne author of Houston Beast, Innocence Lost, A Loup-Garou, Judgment at John's Hollow to be published in 2007 and Growing Up in 2008

Friday, June 29, 2007

Democ rats at it again.

So, the democ rats want to shut down the prison so the radicals that brought about 9/11 can once again be free to plot more disasters. Has anyone noticed that there have been no one killed or harmed and no building brought down since the Republi cans have been in office? Or has everyone been too busy going to Michael (I'm such an idiot fat boy) Moore movies? Those that want to end not only our way of life but our very lives are now being championed by the other white meat. Oops sorry, Obama isn't white is he? well who knows?

I am so sorry to have to say this but once the idiots on the way far left, just right next to socialism, get back in power we have so much destruction visit our shores. Why? Because the table covering wearing murderers are afraid of our crazed president. They know he will shoot first and ask questions later. Hillary Osama, uh I mean Obama, and the rest of that ilk will want to talk about it or maybe bomb an aspirin factory. While America waits on that many will die. Where do you live? Is there a tall important building nearby? You can do one of two things, move or vote for a person that will stand up to the killers.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Think about it

Pink has triumphed over black. On Grey's Anatomy two words two harmless words, I don't even know what they are, Gay, Queer, butt banger, there are so many choices. I don't know I never heard. But to our wondering eyes we saw the begininning of the end of black power. For many years blacks have pulled out the race card and won great triumphs. Has that day come to an end? The handsome and talented Isiah Washington a product of my home town has been cast away, thrown into the dumps where has beens or goten rid of. By an effininate actor T.R. Knight I bekieve he is an okay actor but I get a little sick to my stomach when he beds down all of the hotties on the show. Except Sandra Oh, I'm certain she is next since Big Thumb will no longer be in the picture. Think about it friends and tell me what do you think"